[1051] (After short recess trial was resumed.) The Court:
You may poll the jury.
(The jury was polled and all answered present.)
Court Crier Hann: The jury is in the box.
The Court: The State may call its next witness.
Mr. Wilentz: Miss Alexander will you please be sworn?
ALEXANDER, sworn as a witness on behalf of the State.
Direct Examination by
Mr. Wilentz:
[1052] Mr. Wilentz: If your Honor please, and for the
benefit of the counsel for the defense, we are calling this witness out of turn
for business reasons.
Q. Miss Alexander, where do you live? A. 730 East 236th
Street, the Bronx.
Q. And how long have you lived in the Bronx? A. All my
Q. Do you know Dr. Condon? A. I do.
Q. How long have you known Dr. Condon? A. Since 1923.
Q. Did you see Dr. Condon in the month of March, 1932?
A. I did.
Q. Was it before it was publicly known that he was
negotiating in the Lindbergh case or after? A. After.
Q. Was it before or after it was chronicled that the money
had been paid, the ransom money? A. Before.
Q. Sometime between those dates you mean? A. Yes.
Q. Where did you see him? A. I saw him in front of the
telegraph office in the waiting room of the Fordham Station of the New York
Q. In front of the telegraph office? A. Inside.
Q. Inside. Has the New York Central a Ford-ham station
there? A. Yes.
Q. Were you in that station that day? A. In the
platform of the station, yes.
Q. About what time of the day or night was it? A. I
should judge about 6:15 or 6:30 in the evening.
Q. Dark, I suppose, I mean it was night time? A. Yes.
By the Court: [1053] Q. Can you fix the day, Madam?
A. Not definitely, not the date.
Q. But was in March? A. It was in March. It was either
on a Monday or Tuesday evening.
Q. 1932. A. Yes.
By Mr. Wilentz: Q. Now, who else was in that station besides
you and Dr. Condon? A. I saw a man looking at Dr. Condon.
Q. How far away from Dr. Condon was this man? A. About
from where I am sitting to where you are sitting, probably just a little
Mr. Wilentz: May we stipulate it is about from 10 to 15
Mr. Reilly: Yes.
Q. Was there anybody else in that station besides Dr. Condon
and this man and yourself A. There may have been but I didn’t notice
anyone particularly.
Q. Well, were there many people there? A. I wouldn’t
say that. There are never very many people there.
Q. On this occasion particularly? A. No.
Q. You noticed Dr. Condon and you say you noticed another
man? A. Yes.
Q. What were you doing in the station? A. I went into
the station to telephone my mother, to tell her I wouldn’t be home for dinner.
Q. And will you tell me again what you saw Dr. Condon do in
the room. A. Dr. Condon was in front of the telegraph office and he seemed
to be having an argument.
[1054] Mr. Reilly: I object.
Q. Well, was he talking to somebody there? A. He was.
Q. Yes. At the telegraph station: is that it? A. Yes.
Q. And what was the other man doing that you observed?
A. Watching him.
Mr. Reilly: I object to that as calling for a conclusion,
the operation of some person’s eyes.
The Court: Well, the question was what was the other person doing.
I think that is proper.
Q. How far—
Mr. Reilly: I don’t think the answer is competent.
The Court: I don’t know what the answer is.
Mr. Reilly: She has already answered, that he was watching
The Court: Watching him?
Mr. Reilly: I think that calls for the operation of another
person’s mind.
The Conrt: I will allow it to stand.
Mr. Reilly: Exception.
[1055] The Court: You may have an exception.
Q. Now, what—pardon me. Assuming that you were in the
position that Dr. Condon was—that is to say, facing somebody else at a
telegraph station—in what direction from you was it that this other man was
standing watching, as you say? A. Well, if this is—if I am facing the
telegraph station here, there is a phone booth here (indicating to the right),
and a ticket office in this direction (indicating to the left).
Q. That is a phone booth in the direction toward your right
and a ticket office toward your left? A. Yes, and more phone booths to my
Q. And more phone booths to your left, yes. Where did the
man stand in relation to Dr. Condon, about fifteen feet away, in what
direction? A. I should say near the information booth, in the direction of
the other phone booths.
Q. Was Dr. Condon’s back, in other words, what I want to
know is, was the man in back of Dr. Condon. A. Diagonally in back of him.
Q. Diagonally in back. What attracted your attention to the
gentleman who you say was watching Dr. Condon? A. The fact that he was
very obviously watching him, very significantly.
Mr. Reilly: I move to strike that out as not responsive.
Mr. Wilentz: Well, I—
[1056] The Court: I do no know why I should strike it out.
Mr. Reilly: Very obviously is her conclusion.
Mr. Wilentz: If your Honor please, it is not a conclusion,
it is an observation on her part, something she saw.
The Court: I will have to allow it to stand, Mr. Reilly.
Mr. Reilly: May I have an exception. The Court: You may have
an exception.
By Mr. Wilentz: Q. Now, the man to whom you refer and whom
you saw in that station that night, did you see him again, madam? A. Yes,
I did.
Q. When, approximately? A. Approximately two or three
evenings later.
Q. Where? A. He was walking at Fordham Road and Webster
Avenue, there is a comfort station there and he was turning the bend.
Q. Were you walking in that vicinity? A. I was.
Q. Who was the man you saw in that station watching Dr.
Condon on this night in March and [1057] whom you saw a few night afterwards
walking down Fordham Road. A. I say the man was Bruno Richard Hauptmann.
Q. Now, when Mr. Hauptmann was arrested in the Bronx, did
you see his picture in the paper? A. I did.
Q. And when you saw his picture in the paper did you report
the incident to anyone? A. First to my mother.
Q. And then to whom? A. Then I discussed it one evening
when I was coming uptown with some friends and it was reported to the foreman
of the Bronx Grand Jury and the following day I was called upon to report it to
the foreman of the Grand Jury.
Q. Were you called upon to report it to the foreman of the
Grand Jury? A. The following morning.
Q. Did you also come to Flemington to the jail to see the
defendant Hauptmann? A. I did.
Q. Now, when you saw Dr. Condon in the railroad station that
night and you also saw this man, on that very night did you say anything about
it to anyone? A. Well, I was talking to my mother over the telephone, I
was recounting the incident to her—
Mr. Reilly: I object, your Honor.
The Court: I think that is objectionable.
By Mr. Wilentz: Q. You spoke to your mother about it? A. Right.
Q. Now, at that time did you know who the man was?
A. No.
Q. Did you attach any particular significance [1058] at the
time? A. Well, I thought that he may have been—
Mr. Reilly: I object to what she thought.
Mr. Wilentz: All right, I will withdraw it. That is all,
Miss Alexander. Mr. Reilly may inquire.
Cross-examination by
Mr. Reilly: Q. How old are you, young lady? A. Twenty-six.
Q. Do you live with your mother? A. I do.
Q. What is your occupation? A. I am employed in the
dual capacity of salesperson and model.
Q. Where? A. Is it necessary to give the address, Mr.
Q. It is. A. 38 East 32nd Street.
Q. For whom? A. For the Fern Robes.
Q. Are you a photographic model? A. No, not at present.
Q. Clothing model? A. Yes.
Q. How long have you been employed there?
A. Over three years.
Q. Where were you employed in March 1932? A. With the
same firm.
Q. That is on Fifth Avenue. A. Off Park Avenue, between
Fourth and Madison.
Q. And what time do you finish your business?
A. Five-thirty o’clock.
Q. Did you have any showings in March 1932?
A. Well, we always have buyers in the showroom.
Q. Any special showings? A. Not any special showings,
[1059] Q. What line do you show in March? A. Tea gowns,
Q. Tea gowns and negligees? A. And pajama ensembles.
Q. Are they engaged in manufacturing those things?
A. Yes.
Q. Nothing else? A. No.
Q. How many seasons a year have you in your line? A. We
have a Fall season and a Spring season.
Q. Now the fall season you show in August don’t you, and
July? A. July and August.
Q. Yes. A. That is right.
Q. And the spring season you show in December and January,
don’t you? A. January and February, right into March.
Q. Of course, the spring season modelling line is considered
finished, is it not, by the 1st of February, the opening of Palm Beach?
A. Well, we don’t do business with Palm Beach at all. We don’t consider it
Q. You do business with houses that sell in Palm Beach,
don’t you? A. Well, a few of them.
Q. Well now, the modelling profession is di-vided into
seasons, is that correct? A. That is right.
Q. Yes. And as you testified, you have two seasons, a winter
season and a spring season? A. That is right.
Q. Correct? A. That is right.
Q. And you only show pajamas, lingerie and negligee?
A. No. lingerie.
Q. Pajamas and negligee, is that it? A. And tea gowns.
Q. And tea gowns. All right. Well, a tea gown is a dressing
gown for a lady around the house, am I correct? A. Well, a tea gown is
something you can entertain friends in at teas or bridges.
[1060] Q. In the privacy of your home, correct? A. That
is right.
Q. You do not sell suits, street dresses or evening wear?
A. No.
Q. Correct? A. Right.
Q. How many models are there in your place? A. Just
Q. What time of the day was it that you finished your work this
particular day? A. Five-thirty, I always finish at five-thirty.
Q. And where did you live then? A. At the same address.
Q. Where is it? A. 730 East 236th Street.
Q. And how do you go home from Park Avenue in the
neighborhood of where you work to that address on 236th Street? A. Yes, I
walked over to the Third Avenue "L". I take the local up to 42nd
Street and then I change for the express.
Q. The "L"? A. Yes, the Third Avenue
Q. You don’t take the subway? A. No, I don’t.
Q. And then change at 149th Street? A. No, I don’t.
Q. And how long does it take you to get home?
A. Usually about a half hour, thirty-five minutes, it all depends.
Q. Now, how far away from your home was this railroad
station? A. How many stations, do you mean?
Q. The railroad station you say you saw Dr. Condon at?
A. Well, part of my—well, on the Central, the next station is the
Botanical Gardens, the one after that is Williams Bridge, and the one after
Q. Could you go on the Central? A. No, I occasionally
use it, but not very often.
Q. Did you use the Central that night? A. No, I did
[1061] Q. You went up on the "L" and got off
where? A. Fordham Road and 190th Street.
Q. Fordham Road and 190th Street? A. Yes.
Q. Where, in connection with Fordham Road and 190th Street
is the railroad station? A. You walk down from the Third Avenue
"L" and then you walk probably a few steps west and there is a
platform right there, there is a connection, I mean, you can enter the New York
Central train.
Q. What station of the New York Central do you say it is?
A. Fordham Road, 190th Street.
Q. But you were getting off at 233rd Street? A. No, I
wasn’t. I got off at Fordham Road and 190th Street.
Q. Why? A. Because I attended evening school.
Q. Where? A. Fordham Road; Theodore Roosevelt Evening
High School, at the time.
Q. What time does that evening school start? A. It
starts at 7:30.
Q. How far is the high school from your home? A. By
stations or by time?
Q. Time. A. I should judge about 20 minutes or 15
minutes by train.
Q. You would have time to go from your place of business,
leaving at 5:30, go up and get your dinner and come back to the high school,
would you not? A. Yes, I would.
Q. Did you? A. No, I didn’t. I had dinner in Forham
that night.
Q. Where? A. At a Chinese restaurant.
Q. With whom?
Mr. Wilentz: Just a minute. I have no objection to revealing
to counsel the lady’s escort, but I don’t see that it matters. If counsel
hasn’t any objection, I would like to suggest that we will provide that [1062]
information to counsel. Unless he has some particular reason, I would make the
suggestion that we will provide the name of the lady’s escort.
Mr. Reilly: I can’t see any reason why cross-examination
should not proceed.
Mr. Wilentz: We will withdraw the objection.
A. I had no escort, Mr. Wilentz.
Mr. Reilly: Then the gentleman is misinformed. He was going
to give me the name of somebody that doesn’t exist.
By Mr. Reilly: Q. You had no escort, did you? A. I was
by myself.
Q. Where is this Chinese restaurant? A. On Fordham Road
and Webster Avenue, 190th and Webster.
Q. How near is that to the elevated railroad station that
you say you came down on? A. It is on the west side of Webster Avenue.
Q. You know, do you not, that there are telephone booths in
every elevated station in New York City? A. Yes.
Q. There are telephone booths in every subway station in New
York City? A. Yes.
Q. And there is a telephone in your Chinese restaurant?
A. Yes.
Q. So you walked down the stairs of the elevated station and
over to the New York Central Railroad Station? A. I just had to turn a few
[1063] Q. For the purpose of telephoning your mother, is
that correct? A. That is right.
Q. And on the railroad station you found Dr. Condon, right?
A. Inside the platform of the waiting room.
Q. Now I want you to describe for this jury that railroad
station at 190th Street and Fordham Road of the New York Central. A. Well,
I would say this was the main entrance coming in (indicating).
Q. Yes. Now where is the ticket booth? A. The ticket
booth is in the center.
Q. And what time were you there that night? A. About
6:15 or 6:30.
Q. Yes. And where was the ticket agent at 6:30 that night
A. He may have been in the booth. I didn’t take particular notice.
Q. Don’t you know that the station closes at five o’clock?
A. I have never known it to close at five o’clock. I have always been in
Q. Did you ever try to buy a ticket at that station, going
north on the New York Central? A. No, I did not.
Q. After six o’clock? A. No.
Q. Now it is nothing more or less than a local station on
the New York Central for local trains, am I correct? A. That is correct.
Q. How near is it to Mott Haven Station? One station further
north or one south? A. Well, Mott Haven is going north.
Q. And how near is it to Spuyten Duyvil? A. Spuyten
Duyvil is not in that direction at all.
Q. What road is this one A. What road is it on?
Q. The New York Central; where do the trains run that pass
this particular station you are talking about? A. Park Avenue—
Q. If Spuyten Duyvil is not on the station, not [1064] on
that road. A. Well, the trains run east of White Plains Avenue, west of
White Plains Avenue, east of Webster.
Q. Where does this particular road start, this railroad?
A. At 42nd Street.
Q. All right. It is not the spur up around 133rd Street
bridge that runs into Boston, is it? A. Not that I know of.
Q. Do you know the Boston and Maine Road that starts at
133rd Street, of the New York Central? A. No, I don’t.
Q. And how long have you lived in the Bronx? A. All my
Q. All your life and you don’t know that there is a road
that begins in the Bronx and runs to Boston of the New York Central?
A. No, I don’t.
Q. All right. Now, do you know anything about the Putnam
Division? A. I do not.
Q. Of the New York Central. You don’t? A. No, I don’t.
Q. Do you know that there is a Putnam Division of the New
York Central that runs through the Bronx and runs through—maybe this will
refresh your recollection Pocantico Hills, the home of the people up there—
Mr. Wilentz: Just a minute. I have no objection to counsel
asking whether there is such a road, but I do object to counsel saying,
"Do you know there is?" Now I think in that respect counsel is
testifying. While I don’t make a point of it I think it has gone beyond the
line of reasonableness. It leaves the impression that there is such a line.
There may be, but he is not in position to testify.
Mr. Reilly: How do you know? She [1065] says she lives in
the Bronx and says she was at a New York station, Judge, and I have a mind’s
picture, and I have a right to ask her, because I know the particular station
she is talking about and I am trying to develop something here.
The Court: What fact is it that you have in mind that you
want to prove by this witness?
Mr. Reilly: I want to prove that she was never there and she
doesn’t even know where the station is or what the station is or what lines run
past the place, and she has lived in the Bronx all her life.
The Court: Well, she has already testified several times
that she was there, hasn’t she?
Mr. Reilly: Yes. Although she can say she was there, sir.
The Court: Yes, I understand that.
Mr. Reilly: She can’t visualize this station on this
particular road.
The Court: Now, then, what, in order to test her veracity, I
Mr. Reilly: That is it.
The Court: You want to put to her certain questions. Now
what are those questions?
[1066] Mr. Reilly: Does she know there is a road that runs
from The Bronx of the New York Central with stations on it that runs into Pocantico
Mr. Wilentz: That is what I object to: does she know that
there is. What I submit, if your Honor please, very respectfully to your Honor,
is that that is testimony by counsel that there is, and not being familiar with
The Bronx, I think the question ought to be, if I may respectfully, very
respectfully say, does she know whether or not there is any such road. As the
question goes, it leaves the inference that there is a road.
The Court: You see, I am dealing here with a cross-examining
counsel, and I am inclined to think that his question may be answered. Now, let
the stenographer re-read the question to the lady, and let her answer it if she
(Pending question read by the reporter.)
A. I do not.
By Mr. Reilly: Q. Now, you have told us that sometimes you
take the New York Central home; is that right? A. That is right.
Q. And when you do you go to 42nd Street and Park Avenue,
correct? A. That is right.
Q. Now, what line do you take? A. I go to the lower
level and I buy a ticket and I find out what track the train leaves on, and I
go on that track [1067] and get into the train and get off at either Fordham or
233rd Street; I never pay any attention to whether the train goes further or
not, or whether it goes— Well now, is there a station of the New York Central
at 233rd Street? A. There is; it is called Woodlawn.
Q. Called Woodlawn? A. That is right.
Q. Then that is on the White Plains Division, is it?
A. That is on the New York Central.
Q. Is it the White Plains or is it the Yonkers Division. A. It
is on the White Plains Division.
Q. Yes. Now, you say you get a ticket and you walk to a gate
and you pay no attention to where the train goes: is that it? A. Well, I
know where it is going, because I ask.
Q. Well, don’t you have to look at the indicator alongside
of the station entrance, the train entrance? A. That is right.
Q. Yes. And the indicator has a long list of stations that
the train stops at, hasn’t it? A. That is, right.
Q. Now, have you ever taken a train and changed before you
got to Fordham? A. No.
Q. Did you ever change at Highbridge? A. No.
Q. Is Highbridge above or below your station? A. I
don’t know where Highbridge is; I imagine it is below.
Q. Yes. Now isn’t it a fact, young lady, that anyone
desiring to go in the way you have indicated must change at Highbridge for the
Putnam Division and the White Plains side? A. Not that I know of.
Q. Don’t you know that at five o’clock at night and six
o’clock at night there are no local stops? A. There are so.
Q. Between the Grand Central on that line [1068] and
possibly Mount Vernon? A. Well, there are local stops.
Q. How many times have you ridden on the New York Central to
your house? A. Often enough to know what train leaves there.
Q. How many times? A. I can’t approximate the number of
Q. What is the fare? A. The fare to Fordham varies.
Q. What varies on the New York Central, what fare?
A. The fare from 42nd Street to Fordham.
Q. Is how much? A. I think it is thirty-five cents.
Q. Don’t you know? A. I can’t remember definitely.
Q. What is the fare to 233rd Street? A. I believe it is
44 cents.
Q. Don’t you know? A. Or 49; not definitely either.
Q. When was the last time you rode? A. Possibly several
years ago. I don’t know. I am not in a position to state that definitely.
Q. Several years ago you rode on the New York Central to
your station, is that right? A. That is right.
Q. Several years ago means what, five years? A. Maybe
two years.
Q. Maybe two years? A. Maybe three years.
Q. It made no impression, did it? A. No.
Q. How long do you know Dr. Condon? A. Since 1923.
Q. Where did you meet him? A. In a theatre.
Q. Who introduced you? A. The manager of the theatre.
Q. Where was the theatre? A. At 195th Street and
Webster Avenue.
Q. And under what were the conditions that you were introduced
to him? A. Well, I worked [1069] at the theater at the time, while I was
going to high school.
Q. What were you doing in the theater? A. I was cashier
in the theater.
Q. And Dr. Condon was a frequent visitor? A. He was a
Q. What? A. A patron of the theater.
Q. And why should the manager of the theater introduce you,
his cashier, to Dr. Condon? A. Because the manager conversed with Dr.
Condon very, very often. There were never crowds that came into the theater
during the afternoons and the manager knew I was going to high school at the
time, mornings while I worked in the afternoons and he also knew that Dr.
Condon was connected with either the Board of Education or was a principal, and
he thought it was nice to let Dr. Condon know that I was going to school while
I was working.
Q. Was Dr. Condon a principal then? A. I don’t know.
Q. Was he ever connected with the Board of Education?
A. I don’t know that either.
Q. How many times after that did you see Dr. Condon?
A. Just during the time that I worked in the theater.
Q. How many years ago was that? A. 1923.
Q. You left the theater in 1923? A. 1924.
Q. ‘24, and from 1924 down to 1932, you tell us you had
never seen Dr. Condon once, is that right? A. That is right.
Q. What was Dr. Condon doing when you first saw him in this
railroad station? A. He was standing in front of the telegraph office,
walking back—
Q. Where is the telegraph office? A. Inside of the
platform, the waiting room.
[1070] Q. This is a local station, is it not? A. That
is right.
Q. What telegraph operator was ever on duty there in March? A. I
don’t know.
Q. Did you see one? A. Yes, there was a telegraph
operator—because Dr. Condon was talking to someone.
Q. Talking to a telegraph operator in this station? A. Talking
to someone.
Q. Which is it now? A. A telegraph operator, most
Q. Did you see the man telegraphing? A. No, I did not.
Q. You came to the conclusion that he was a telegraph
operator? A. That is right.
Q. And Dr. Condon had his back to you, did he not? A. He
was directly in profile to me,
Q. But you were not in front of him? No, I was not in front
of him.
Q. You did not hear what he said? A. No, I didn’t hear
what he said.
Q. You came to the conclusion he was talking? A. He was
very much excited, I came to that conclusion.
Q. You came to the conclusion he was excited? A. He was
Q. Did you make your telephone call to your mother? A. I
Q. From that station? A. I did.
Q. And of course you went into the booth. A. I did.
Q. When you came out you went out/ That is right.
Q. And went upstairs and went on the street? A. No, I
didn’t go upstairs. It is on a level with the street.
Q. Then you were on the upper station, you were not on the platform?
A. I was on the level. [1071] The waiting room is on a level with the
Q. Did you get off the train and walk through the station
out into the street? A. I walked downstairs from the Third Avenue elevated
Q. I am talking about the station. A. Yes.
Q. Is that on the level with the street? A. Yes.
Q. You can walk into the station— A. Yes.
Q. Through the station to the platform where the train is,
is that right? A. You walk downstairs.
Q. Yes, for the train? A. For the train.
Q. Yes. A. That is right.
Q. Yes. So you don’t walk off the street for the train, do
Mr. Wilentz: She didn’t say she did.
A. You walk from the street right into the waiting room
where the information room is and the Western Union office is.
Q. And that is back now in 1932? A. That is right.
Q. And where was this booth? A. The telephone booth?
Q. Yes. Then— A. There are booths on both sides.
Q. Both sides of what? A. Of the waiting room, the
ticket office.
Q. Well, now, your object in going there was to phone?
A. That is right.
Q. And you came right in and you glanced around and went to
your phone, didn’t you? A. May I demonstrate how I came in?
Q. Do you want to come down here and show how you came in?
A. I will say this is one way of coming in—there are several—I don’t know
how many there are, and I came in from an entrance that showed Dr. Condon to me
directly in [1072] profile, and there were phone booths directly where I
Q. And you went to the phone booth? A. I didn’t use the
phone booths where I entered. I walked directly to the opposite side where Dr.
Condon was standing.
Q. But you used a phone booth? A. And I used the phone
booths there.
Q. That didn’t take more than two minutes, to phone?
A. Several minutes. I had a conversation with my mother at the time.
Q. Then you came out, right? A. That is right.
Q. And you went on about your business? A. That is
Q. When did you next see Dr. Condon, or have you seen him
since? A. No, I have only seen him in the papers, that is all.
Q. Have you had any conversation with him over the phone or
any way? A. No, I have not.
Q. Has anybody come to you from his house? A. No.
Q. Has anybody come to you from anybody’s house? A. No.
Q. Has anybody come to you from any place at all?
A. No.
Q. You haven’t talked to a soul about the testimony you were
going to give here this morning, have you? A. Oh, yes, I have discussed
Q. Who? A. Discussed it first with my mother.
Q. Outside of your mother. A. And members of my family.
Q. Outside of your mother. A. My employer.
Q. Yes. This is all recently? A. Yes, a few months
Q. And who brought you down here today, young lady?
A. District Attorney Breslin.
Q. Who? A. Mr. Breslin, of The Bronx.
[1073] Q. Do you know him? A. I don’t know him
personally, no.
Q. When did he come to the house for you yesterday?
A. Yes, he came to me last night.
Q. Before that when have you seen Breslin? A. About two
weeks previously, on a Friday when he called for me to drive me out to
Q. Were you in The Bronx courtroom at the extradition
hearing of this case? A. In the courtroom, no.
Q. Were you around the building? A. In September I was
around the building, yes, or in October, I don’t know when it was.
Q. In October. Did they bring you there? A. They
brought me.
Q. And how long were you there? A. Possibly an hour or
so; I don’t recall.
Q. And you didn’t testify, did you? A. I did.
Q. In court? A. No.
Q. That is what I am talking about. A. No, I did not.
Q. You didn’t testify before the Judge? A. No.
Q. This is the first time you have testified? A. Yes.
Mr. Reilly: That is all.
Re-Direct Examination
by Mr. Wilentz: Q. In addition to coming here with Mr. Breslin, you came
here with your mother this morning? A. That is right.
Q. And you came at the invitation and the urging of the
State, did you not? A. That is right.
Q. When you were in the Bronx Court House you came there as
the result of the invitation of [1074] the foreman of the Grand Jury, did you
not? A. That is right.
Q. And when you got there you spoke to District Attorney
Foley and told him your story? A. That is right.
Q. You asked at that time, as you have asked since, to try
to keep away from any publicity, haven’t you? A. Absolutely.
Mr. Wilentz: Thank you, miss, very much, and we are sorry to
trouble you.
The Witness: Thank you.
(Witness leaves stand.)
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