Our president is senile, weak, and ineffectual. His opponent is profane, pugnacious, and a habitual liar. The president seeks to retain power as best he can, and his opponent seeks to grasp that power by any means, fair or foul, preferably foul.
I imagine our country as a toilet bowl recently flushed, with the water swirling round and round as it goes down the drain. It seems we are incapable of saving ourselves, and we're going to continue that downward swirl by electing either Dumbo or Rambo.
The question is not whether Dumbo or Rambo will be best for our country; it is which one will do the least amount of damage to our already tattered Republic. It appears to me that although either candidate will do damage to our country, we will be better able to recover from the damage done by Dumbo than by Rambo.
As I see things, Dumbo's heart is in the right place, but his head is in a dark, moist place. Rambo's heart is set on power and revenge, and nothing else seems to matter to him. Whatever he needs to say or do to obtain power, he will do. And whatever he needs to say or do to retain power, he will do. He's even talking about an unconstitutional third term. And this man of God's favorite Bible verse? "An eye for an eye." As a second-term president, he will give lip service to traditional American values while trampling them under his feet. He's like the protagonist in the Piet Hein poem:
A fellow I know can get mountains to move and all opposition appeases:
He preaches what God cannot help but approve and doeswhat the Devil he pleases.